Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goals review 2012

As the new year begins, I always like to take a look at my goals for the past year and see how I did.

1. Make a piece of clothing for myself, and one for my daughter
I sort of met this one. I made a dress for my daughter but didn't make anything for myself. I also made her an apron and chef's hat (still need to blog about it).

2.  Make at least one project involving handwork.  
I met this goal, twice! I did a sashiko piece and an embroidery piece as well. Both were super fun and made me wonder why I have avoided handwork in the past! I still need to blog about the embroidery piece, I know.

3. Use more of my scraps.
I sort of did this. I made a scrappy tree skirt, so that counts. But I'd like to do more to work through the pile.

4. Make 8 quilts.
I definitely didn't do this. I finished 5, three of which I haven't yet shown. Anyone notice a theme developing here?

5. Finally make a tree skirt.
I did it! Once I got going on it I also wondered why it took me so long to do. It was actually really easy.  I'll be blogging about that one as well.

As you can see, one of my big "misses" in terms of goals for the year was that while I was making good progress, I wasn't blogging about it.  That will probably be seen in my "goals for 2013" post.

What about you? How did you do on your goals for the year?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I didn't make any resolutions last year that were as concrete as yours! I did experiment more with quilting and piecing, and I did use more of my stash, so I'm calling 2012 a sewing success? I'm not sure what my resolutions will be for 2013 yet, but I'm working on it!
