Monday, June 22, 2009


A friend of mine works at a furniture store, and they have tons of upholstery and home-decor weight fabric samples. They are normally thrown away when the store gets new samples, but Valerie let me come by her house and go through the piles. I ended up with 80 samples. They are each about the size of a fat quarter, and some are 100% cotton but most are blends.

I gave her $20 and a promise that I would make a purse for her. Awesome! I've been meaning to practice my purse-making skills, so it's a great excuse. So rather than re-cycling, or re-using, I am UPcycling here--meaning I'm making something of more value than I started with. I'm looking forward to playing around with all my new fabric!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! What luck too that you know someone where you can score the fabric samples!
