Saturday, March 13, 2010

Quilt a Long Blocks Finished!

Last weekend I went on a cutting craze to finish the paintbox blocks.  Here is the stack after all the cutting:

fabric ready

Then I finished them up Monday and Tuesday.

Some yellow ones:
Paintbox quilt a long yellows

Some turquoise ones:
Paintbox quilt a long turquoise

And finally, some green ones.

Paintbox quilt a long greens

I still haven't started laying them out, or deciding what color sashing to use. I know a lot of modern quilters like white backgrounds or white sashing, but I just can't bring myself to do it. White gets dingy too fast, even when you wash often.  I make all my quilts to be used, and I can't say that I am the most "clean" person. This is not to say that I am dirty, I just spill things a lot and am somewhat of a klutz. So anything white is basically screaming to get stained in my house. This is all being said when there are no kids in the house (I don't have children). If I did have children, I'd stay away from white even moreso.  I really don't understand how folks can make baby quilts that are white!  If the child loves your quilt, it will get snot, barf, mud, etc all over it and white just doesn't handle those so well.  Just my humble opinion, really. :)

I will look at some neutral linen, or possibly some beige or gray cottons.  I'm happy to hear suggestions if you think there is a color or brand I should use. What is your favorite neutral?

Not much quilting will happen in the next two weeks as I am leaving for Spain on Wednesday. Much food will be eaten but no quilting.  I'm just glad to have the blocks done before then.

1 comment:

  1. The charcoal grey from Kona would really set these off!! It's a really lovely dark grey and along with chocolate brown it's one of my favorite neutrals!
